Teaching Cyber Blog

Category: General

  • Microsoft Security Copilot Overview for Cybersecurity Professionals

    Microsoft Security Copilot Overview for Cybersecurity Professionals

    Microsoft Security Copilot is an AI assistant to help in the development of your security workflows.  It is designed with SOC analysts in mind particularly with detecting and responding to potential security incidents. Does it replace people?  No, don’t panic, AI is nowhere near replacing security professionals as AI itself is nowhere near the level…

  • How to become a Security Engineer

    How to become a Security Engineer

    There is no direct route into security engineering, a combination of education and experience will help, however developing an aptitude towards hands on work, and being a creator is definitely a huge advantage. Get a degree, this is a good start, the earlier you get a degree the easier it will be secure a position.…

  • Ethics of developing Penetration Testing Software with AI features

    Ethics of developing Penetration Testing Software with AI features

    Writing penetration testing software containing artificial intelligence AI features raises several ethical concerns that should be considered.  Always get consent and written permission from those subject to the testing which is typical with any penetration testing activity.  Explicit permission is needed, as it may result in unauthorized access or compromise of data and solutions.  It…

  • Security benefits of using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Security benefits of using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of defense by requiring users to provide additional evidence to verify their identity. Benefits of MFA are invaluable. MFA adds an additional layer of protection beyond username and password (something you know). It helps prevent unauthorised access if a password is compromised or stolen. Attackers would need additional…

  • Cybersecurity Home Project Ideas for All Levels

    Cybersecurity Home Project Ideas for All Levels

    No matter what level of experience you have working within the cyber security there is always opportunity for home project experiments.  These are great for helping to keep yourself and family secure but also help your employer secure their business too! Build a Secure Network.  Using existing equipment or buying new, configuring all your network…

  • Cybersecurity Career Advice to Students and Graduates

    Cybersecurity Career Advice to Students and Graduates

    If you are a student or graduate interested in working in cybersecurity, here are some valuable pieces of advice that I have learned working in the industry. Learn the fundamentals and foundations first, especially in areas like cloud security, application security, and risk management. The foundations will provide you with a base to build upon,…

  • Protecting your Finance department from cyber security attacks

    Protecting your Finance department from cyber security attacks

    Finance departments are often overlooked within organisations as they are seen as established mature areas of the business.  The reality is that they are prime targets of financial gain from hackers and cyber criminals.  How to improve the security and defend from threats? Firstly, use strong access controls, authentication and authorization processes to control access…

  • Intellectual Property Cybersecurity Checklist for SME and Enterprises

    Intellectual Property Cybersecurity Checklist for SME and Enterprises

    Protecting intellectual property doesn’t have to start with an expensive cyber security solution.  Thorough preparation and organisation of your data can provide some security and ongoing cost benefits when security expenditure is eventually required. 1. Identify and classify intellectual property, build an asset list. 2. Implement access controls based on job roles and responsibilities. 3.…

  • Protecting your Human Resources (HR) department from cyber security attacks

    Protecting your Human Resources (HR) department from cyber security attacks

    A quick guide to protecting your human resource departments from cyber security attacks.  HR is a target for sensitive employee data.  Maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of HR solutions, process and people is important and challenging. Employee data is central, protect employee personal data, including personal identifiers such as social security numbers, addresses, and…

  • What is Security Architecture?

    What is Security Architecture?

    This article covers the key areas of responsibility of the Security Architecture team within cybersecurity, to better inform and educate professionals of this important role. What is security architecture? What may be surprising, some professionals within the cyber security community do not understand the role. As a result it can lead to conflicting responsibilities and…